The children helped today are the educated adults of tomorrow. By supporting these children's access to education, you're also helping the community and supporting the contribution they will, in turn, make to the life of the community and this country. With your help, these children will discover the world, a world different from the one they live in now. Through them, you will also find joy! Moreover, we all know that in Romania, the phenomenon of bullying has escalated, with many children falling victim to it. We all know it's easier to prevent than to combat, which is why we believe that together we can help the little ones to have healthy relationships with their peers. We share with you the workshop project "School of Joy", which starts from a story - "The Hedgehog's Heart. An Adventure in Search of True Friends", written by Mariana Buric. The workshop includes games and activities that can be carried out with children by teachers in kindergartens and schools, as well as by parents at home. We would be delighted if among you there are teachers and parents who want to join us in this project. Let's help the little ones look forward to going to kindergarten and school, enjoying the friendship of their peers. Of the 300 children we support in school with your help, not one has dropped out of school!
Don't let them get lost!
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